September 20243rd Sept: I cant believe another year has flown by, where does time go! RosieB is going really well with Gill mixing her work with a combination of under saddle, in-hand from the bridle and single rein lungeing. Her Spanish Walk is coming along nicely. I am now sorting dates for 2025. Two venues confirmed are Suffolk Rural (Otley College) and Green Lane Equestrian in Leicestershire both having super indoor schools and lovely facilities. I am confirming more dates and will update the clinics page as and when. I am having to reduce the amount of in-hand work I am doing due to needing a full knee replacement but I can still teach both ridden and in-hand. I was hoping to get more videos done this year but will now make that a priority for next year. October 202326th Oct: I am starting to sort clinic dates out for 2024. I am excited to announce a new venue near Tilton on the Hill, Leicestershire. A lovely 20m x 60m indoor school. More details to come! RosieB is going from strength to strength and Gill is doing a super job with her. September 20236th Sept: This year is flying by. RosieB is doing really well and is flourishing. I am now taking clinic bookings for 2024 so if you are interested then please drop me a message. April 202326th Apr: Rosieb has moved homes. She is now at a lovely livery yard just outside of Wing. She is being cared for brilliantly and has settled in really well. No more stressing and far more chilled. Ok so no indoor school but the care is far more important. I will try and get some piccies soonbut have been struggling with flu so not been out of the house for a week! March 202314th Mar: Hopefully we are now heading out of Winter and looking for relief with the Spring. Some sunshine could do us all some good. Clinics are booking on through the year and up to date locations and dates can be found on the clinic page. I have added a lovely new venue, Suffolk Rural (Otley College), Suffolk which has a lovely indoor school with a super surface and the option to switch to the outdoor for summer clinics. RosieB is going from strength to strength and I will hopefully get some more photos / video soon! |
December 2022 |
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23rd Dec: I would like to wish everyone a very happy Xmas and all the best for 2023. I hope you have many lightbulb moments. |
September 202230th Sept: The big news is that Bury Farm are shutting their livery operation so RosieB had to look for a new home. We have found a yard and although a little further away from home looks like it will suit so we have moved her there. After 10 years of not travelling she walked straight up the ramp into Tracey's trailer - huge thanks to Tracey for a brilliantly smooth journey. The first couple of days were a little fraught - RosieB had been at Bury for a long time we tried to click into the usual routine and also spend lots of time with her. She is starting to chill! Hopefully piccies and videos to come soon. 10th Sept: I must update this page more regularly! The big news today is that all things come to an end. Bury Farm are shutting their livery operation so we are in the process of finding a new home for RosieB. Details to follow on her new residence. I can't believe we have had RosieB for 10 years!! March 20213rd Mar: After what has been a proper winter we are all looking forward to Spring. Lockdown is set to ease by the end of March so I have been busy getting clinic dates organised and will keep the Clinic page updated frequently. January 20215th Jan: Firstly happy New Year to everyone and I was hoping for a much better year than last. However as of last night we are in lock down again so for any information re lessons clinics please e-mail me directly. December 20201st Dec: As we approach the end of this lock down I have confirmed clinic dates for December, January and February and have updated the Clinics page. For any more info re these dates, re Covid precautions then please jot me an e-mail. RosieB is going from strength to strength and is having a little down time as I always say no athlete trains 52 weeks a year and bodies/minds need a rest and this is what we have always done with her in 8.5 years we have owned her - work for a period, rest and break then work again. It has stood Gill and RosieB in good sted so more of the same. November 202012th Nov: So lock down hits us again and there was talk from the Gov. about closing 'riding centers and stables' but that has now changed. As far as I am concerned its business as usual, but with due care and diligence, only 1:1 sessions, keeping apart, hygiene and preferably paying by bank transfer. I am booking clinics for Dec, Jan and Feb but will monitor closely the advice from BEF, BHS and BD. Any enquiries re clinics/lessons contact me on the usual e-mail address... RosieB is doing very well and we cannot believe this lovely horse has been with us over 8 years already! September 20206th Sep: Its been all quiet on the clinic front as unfortunately I have been quite ill and needed an operation which thankfully went well. I am now starting to ease back into work so will be updating the clinic page more regularly. May 202029th May: Things from a teaching and training perspective are getting back in place. As per my last note with all the care of social distancing, hygiene etc. I have updated the Clinic page as request for clinics came in thick and fast. The use of indoor schools is still, according to British Dressage, not permitted however I did e-mail the Government about this and the answer was non committed - but they didnt say no. However what this does mean for the moment is that I cannot book a school at Bury Farm. As and when this changes I'll let everyone know. 11th May: As of today I am commencing teaching again with certain criteria in place:
I will review the clinic dates already booked in and will re-arrange where necessary. The Clinic page will be updated with any changes. From a personal point of view spending more time with Gill and RosieB has been great. Gill has been teaching RosieB Spanish Walk which is progressing really well! March 202029th Mar: We are now well and truly gripped by this coronavirus outbreak. As of last Monday we have all been advised to stay home. Training has been suspended for the time being and I will keep all clinic dates in and play it a week at a time. January 202010th Jan: Well Xmas has come and gone in the blink of an eye and we are well into January. At least today the sun is shining as we have just had rain, rain and more rain it seems. Gill is revisiting the topic of lateral flexions with RosieB who has a tendency to brace when feeling hormonal. This has resulted in some super work, with Gill having increased ride-ability. She is now starting to work on the half steps under saddle which are progressing well. December 201924th December: This year has flown past. It seems the older I get the quicker the years fly by! RosieB and Gill are going from strength to strength. With all of this rain we have had the fields are under water so we keep RosieB in and then let her let off steam on the lunge which I did this morning and boy was she fresh, but very well mannered! I would like to wish everyone and their four legged friends a very happy Xmas and a lovely New Year. I hope there are many more light bulb moments for all! April 20194th Apr: After a very successful first clinic at the lovely Addington E.C. I can now announce dates there for the rest of the year. See the Clinics page for dates. Contact me for a slot. March 201915th March: I really enjoy / see the benefits of the ground work and yesterday we managed to catch some footage of RosieB's progress on the two reins: 12th March: A long time since posting on the news page, will keep more regular updates! RosieB is very well and flourishing. Her suppleness, straightness and strength has now led Gill to find another gear in the trot which RosieB loves offering. I have also been playing in the long reins with the piaffe and it is progressing really well. Time for a change. I no longer take clinics at Bury Farm. I will still take individual bookings there but the clinics have now moved to the prestigious Addington EC which has recently been superbly refurbished. Check the clinic dates page for info but then book through contacting me. December 201630th Dec: This year has literally flown by and I apologise for not making more updates to the website! New Years resolution number one sorted then. I have updated the Clinic page with the starts of next years dates and venues and am really thankful for the people that help organise them. The dates are booking fast but I'll keep the page updated. RosieB has gone from strength to strength through 2016. She is now back in her wide saddle as her topline as come on very well. The in-hand work is super and she really seems to enjoy that work. Gills ridden work is progressing well indeed and is now including far more of the lateral work both in walk and trot. RosieB is having some down time over Xmas and then we will crack on in 2017. Looking forward to my Bury Farm Xmas clinic tomorrow which is full and so mince pies and carrots all round! I hope everyone had a lovely and peaceful Xmas and I wish everyone a great 2017! March 201623rd Mar: I just have to have a proud owner moment. RosieB has been kept in for the last 9 weeks due to firstly the mud fever and then the infection. She has been sound throughout and so able to be worked with a mixture of Gill riding, in-hand and some lunge work. Yesterday was the day to start going out again. We thought a lunge to just take any edge off would be a good idea and went to the outdoor school. Bury Farm is getting ready for their annual Pony of the Year showjumping festival and it was manic. There was a lorry with a crane arm offloading generators, an artic dropping off wood chippings for pathways, window cleaner with a telescopic pole and brush cleaning windows, the list goes on and she lunged like a pro. Then we turned her out - one slight canter around and then just head down to graze. She could not have been better!! It was so good to see her out and about again. Am please to say that I have agreed some new Bury Farm clinic dates through to September which have been added to the Clinics page. 9th Mar: Things are never that straight forwards. With Gills best efforts and vets attention the issue with the hindlegs went from mud fever to a small infection. This has been treated again and now we are just waiting for the scabs to come off as the healing is well under way. Please can someone invent a mud free field!!! She has never been lame and so we have given her a mixture of lunge, in-hand, ridden and yesterday I jumped her on the lunge and she was fab, although a little fresh to start with. On my Step Into Dressage Facebook page for a while now I have been doing a 'Tip of the Day' which is going down really well. Check out the page and catch up on all of the Tips. Have added more clinic dates to the page and now, weekend wise, more or less fully booked through to June. January 201619th Jan: This year is under way and we are now having the first proper cold snap. RosieB is staying in more in part due to a little mud fever and also the fields are just under water but she doesnt seem to mind at all! She gets worked in the morning and then hand walked in the afternoon and seems to love the attention! The G.O.D.S. clinic due to be held at Bury Farm has been postponed and I will put the new date up when I now it. December 201530th Dec: This year has flown past. I hope everyone had a lovely Xmas and are now looking forward to 2016. I have updated the Clinic page for the first 3 months of next year and am almost fully booked. A new addition is the G.O.D.S. clinic, (Getting Older Dressage Society...) which will be held at Bury Farm on Monday 25th January. Contact me directly if you are a member and would like a slot. Gill and RosieB are ticking along well but having some quieter time over Xmas and we will get cracking this week. November 2015 |
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5th Nov: This is RosieB on her way to the school for an in-hand session and although not the best pose for a photo I just love how healthy she looks and her coat is fab - especially when you consider she is not clipped!! The in-hand session went really well and I am now including some canter in-hand. Its a little fresh and green as it is new but she is settling to it well. The lateral work in walk and trot is coming along a treat and I am now working on improving the bend in the half pass |
October 20151st Oct: Just come back from my September visit to Ireland for a fab two days teaching. Seeing riders two days in a row can really help, getting them set up on the Saturday and then very much building on this on the Sunday. Some super progress and lightbulb moments. I am now starting to take clinic bookings for 2016 and as usual the regular venues will take priority but if anyone is interested in holding a clinic then please contact me. RosieB is on tick over as Gill has had a flare up of her back problem but RosieB is enjoying some lovely Autumnal sunshine and some lunge work from me and she is so chilled. August 201525th August: I have just updated the Clinic page and the Home Farm, Compton Verney clinic that was scheduled for the 1st of November has swapped to the 31st October. I have just put on line another RosieB video. This shows the in-hand work and how it has really progress from the previous video. The link is on the RosieB Blog page. 18th August: Worked RosieB this morning in-hand for a whole 45min session. Just coming out of season so a little tense and fragile to start with but then worked through brilliantly. Walk stretch, walk to a contact and then some lateral work in walk (leg yield, shoulder-in, walk pirrie to half pass) then transitions walk-trot-walk, trot to a soft contact and trot lateral work (leg yield and shoulder-in) and then brought her frame up and through and fabulous work. Really proud of her. Have updated the Clinics page and will try and find time to sort some more articles out its just this year is rushing by as I have never been busier with training clients and clinics! 2nd August: Its August already and the mornings are just starting to have that fresh feel to them. After my ankle injury which put me out of exercise / riding for nearly a year I am glad to now be back in the saddle and running again. So the fitness is coming back and it felt great to be back on board. RosieB deinately gets affected when she is in season which makes Gills job quite tricky but now we are mid summer the seasons are not so dramatic and Gill can work her through even when she is in. The work yesterday was fab even though Gill is sturggling with her back. Then I led her to the field through the Pony Club campers and she was fabby. July 201517th July: This year is flying past and we are already half way through July. RosieB is doing really well and am so chuffed with Gill and RosieB's progress. The new saddle has been checked and was in need of some new flocking as it had really settled and as usual Kirsty from RB Equestrian did a super job. I have updated the clinics page and also want to announce that apart from my usual Bury Farm clinics in the International Indoor school I am also available every other Tuesday for individual lessons where we can book one of the 20m x 40m indoor schools. For these contact me. May 201527th May: I have just come back from another lovely clinic in Ireland. I go now 3 times a year and my September trip will mark the 5th year of going. Its great to see the progress with the horse and rider combinations. Gill and RosieB worked well yesterday. In the early days when RosieB was in season she could be quite tricky but the partnership is so much more established now that Gill can help RosieB through the tension to achieve some lovely work. This was achieved on the outdoor school even though her field buddies were calling from the distance! I have moved the Queach August clinic to the weekend before, the 15th. I will now be around for the first two days of the Bury Farm Area Festival. April 201530th April: The new saddle has arrived and we are very pleased with it. A huge thanks to Kirsty from RB Equestrian who ordered what Gill wanted and slightly tweaked the order to suit RosieB and she got it spot on. Time to crack on!! I have updated the Clinics page and dates are now booked in until Xmas. On the Step into Dressage Facebook page I have been trying to do a 'Tip of the Day' and this seems to be going down well, although I probably would have been better doing a tip of the week! 8th April: As usual time is flying past!! The weather has warmed up and back to teaching in short sleeves!! I am now taking clinic bookings for the rest of the year and spaces are filling up rapidly. I am contacting the regular venues to give them priority on dates and have updated the Clinic page. Gill and RosieB are coming along a treat. The new saddle will be coming in the next week or so which is exciting for Gill. We have been playing with some more lunging and are now including halt trot, walk canter and some 'on and backs' in the trot. I have played with the in-hand work and RosieB has started a very few half steps which look really promising. February 201521st Feb: I would like to wish everyone doing their Regionals good luck, a safe trip and to enjoy the day!! We have tried an Ideal Jessica Pro on RosieB and although it initially looked like it would work as soon as Gill sat on it and walked for a bit it was clear that it neither suited Gill nor RosieB. It was worth a try. So Kirsty from RB Equestrian is coming out to day to take a template and all the info she needs to source us the original Jessica with the suede seat that Gill loves so fingers crossed. January 201529th Jan: January almost gone already, nights are getting lighter and the days are feeling longer!! RosieB has had her MOT. Teeth etc and saddle checked and yes, as with all young horses she has changed shape and so on the hunt for a new saddle. Gill really loves her Jessica so we are going to try the Ideal Jessica Pro. Have just ordered one so we will wait and see! Clinic dates are now more or less booked solidly through to and including June. 6th Jan: I would just like to wish everyone a happy New Year and I hope its a good one for everyone and their horses. December 201413th Dec: |
The lovely Helen, owner of Biz, got this photo for me which I am really pleased with. It was taken by Kevin Sparrow at the Dressage Convention as I took Biz through to hand him over to Florian to work in the demo. He was so good, took it all in his stride and strutted his stuff in front of over 1000 people then came back out with such a grin on his face! |
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November 201430th Nov: |
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Tonight I had to take this photo. I am so proud of my lovely two ladies but here we have them both. RosieB is not clipped; this is the shine and gleam of her coat through Gills care and attention. The topline is coming along well, remembering that she is still only 6 years old. The relaxation in the stable and the trust between these two is clear for all to see. |
23rd Nov: We have just come back from Bury Farm and having worked RosieB. She was absolutely fab. Gill is really getting to grips with the straightness issues, which of course affect every horse. When the straightness comes, the mare releases through the body and the trot changes - becomes springier and more lofted. At the same time Gill feels RosieB grow wider as her ribcage expands and taller as she lightens the forehand. It looks lovely. I am so proud of them both. The Spanish Riding School are doing their tour of the UK. They performed in Sheffield and were next to perform at Wembley. However there was a period inbetween the venues. They needed a stop over and yes, they stayed at Bury Farm for the 10 days inbetween. Below left is the lovely whites in Bury's stabling and below right is them being hand walked in arena 3. The riders came for the last 3 days of their stop over to work the horses and I was very priviledged to watch them work behind the scenes. Fascinating. |
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October 201427th Oct: Time has flown by. The Dressage Convention has come and gone. The weekend went really well and was very well attended. Richard had rung me some time before and asked if I could provide two horses that Florian Bacher, the rider from the Spanish Riding School, could work in-hand. |
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Above left is 'Biz' and above right is 'Lenny'. 'Biz' was used on the first day of the Dressage Convention. I led him into the arena in front of well over 1000 people, he walked in like there was nothing new. Led him around for a bit as Florian was being introduced and then handed him over. Sat on stage next to Carl and Richard whilst Florian worked Biz. Richard asked me about Biz and handed me the mike....glad the words came out. Biz was a star, showed his work really well and then I led him out to the audience applause and he was so chuffed with himself!! One happy horse and Helen, his owner was a very proud mum. Day two went off without a hitch as well. Took Lenny in, who was a star as we were also giving a lead to the ridden horse who was only 5 and it was all a little daunting. Led Lenny around whilst Florian was talking and then handed him over and again was invited to sit on the stage with Carl and Richard. Florian used the giravolta a little as well as the piaffe work and a super result. As I then took Lenny back from Florian, Richard thanked the owner of the horse and also acknowledged me as being a master of the in-hand work and had done the preceding work with these horses to which I had a thank you from Carl, Richard and Florian. A little bit of a surreal weekend but thoroughly enjoyable. I was very proud of both Biz (thank you Helen, his mum) and Lenny (thank you Annie, his mum). |
Gill is now really getting into the in-hand work and she now uses this as a warm up for RosieB before getting on to ride. Today was the best in-hand work and then simply the best ridden work I have seen her have. Fabby and proud hubby!!! As you can see she takes it all in her stride and then has an afternoon nap.... |
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2nd Oct: I have updated the Clinics page as have many new dates in and booked for the first half of 2015. If you would like a space on any clinic then contact me and I can either sort this out or put you in touch with the person organising that clinic for me. On the BD website a really helpful list of important shows has been put up so folk can plan ahead: Diary Dates Coming up soon is Carl Hester and Richard Davisons Dressage Convention at Bury Farm on Sat 18th and Sun 19th October with a good range of topics being covered both days adn Saturday evening. Will be there if anyone wants to say hello. September 201411th Sept: Yesterday Gill rode RosieB with the big showjumping show going on in the next arena's at Bury. Apparently since the demo RosieB has learned to show off to the audience and apparently went superbly, strutting her stuff!! Further details to announce later but next week I am giving a Master Class to a reader from Your Horse magazine which will of course involve photos and article. 4th Sept: The demo is done and dusted and time since seems to have flown by. The feedback from the evening was really good so I may think about doing another one, just will not tell Gill yet... RosieB seems to have grown in stature since the demo. I think she reallly enjoyed being on centre stage and her work is coming along a treat. Will lunge jump her again soon and have a play in-hand but I also so enjoy watching Gill work with her. Have added some more clinic dates and started taking bookings for 2015. The PetPlan Area Festival at Wellington has been going on this week and a good result for my clients Liz and Natalie who were 1st and 4th in the Elementary respectively, Natalie 3rd in the Medium and Christel 4th in the Adv Med on her 17 year old Conan. Super results. August 201420th Aug: Well the lecture demo has come and gone. It was a super evening and I am so proud of all 5 horses that allowed me to show the work. I must thank Katie and Hannah Garner that brought 'Desi' and 'Popeye' over for the two ridden sections as they rode superbly. I want to thank Emma Large for allowing me to use 'Bayo' for the two rein lunge section and Heather Welch for the use of 'Layla' for the in-hand section. I obviously must thank my lovely wife for the use of 'RosieB' for the single rein lunge section. I have a couple of photos of 'RosieB' but unfortunately not of the others but I will see if anyone else took some shots. Below are the two photos of 'RosieB'; one in halt looking at her admiring audience and the other in the lovely trot stretch. Click on the photo to see a larger image. |
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9th Aug: At last Gill has written a new RosieB Blog which I have added online. Lots to report. The lecture is next weekend and I have mixed emotions, both nerves and excitement. RosieB has been grand on the lunge, Bayo is getting better on the double lunge and Layla is looking good for the inhand section. Katie and Hannah are looking good for the ridden sections. I hope to show how all of this work can apply to the everyday horse. July 201414th July: I am so proud of our RosieB. The lunging is now confirmed, we have done a couple of sessions over poles and today we added the next part of her education and gymnastic training. We added some jumping on the lunge, small obviously as it was her very first time, but she kept calm, relaxed and was absolutely fab!! The video is here at: The lecture at Bury Farm is coming around and the demo is to show how the amateur rider can get the most from their horse from both ground work and ridden work. It should be a fun and informative evening and also contains the final of the dressage to music championship! Tickets are available online at the Bury Farm website. May 201426th May: I have just updated the Clinics page and the second half of this year is filling up rapidly. Its quite a juggling act trying to fit everyone in and thanks to all the folk that help with the clinics - I could not do it without you. RosieB is going from strength to strength. I will badger Gill to do another RosieB update and I bet it will include the topic of how to help RosieB keep her shoes on in the field! The staff at Bury Farm wanted to do the BD Team Quest but the logistics of everyone making all of the league events just would not work out. So Bury Farm organised it for the staff to compete yesterday at a Bury Farm unafilliated dressage show and have their own Team event. The preparations have been going on for weeks with the friendly rivalry coming out in a lovely day and a close run thing between the two teams in the end. There were rosettes and a trophy and all in all it was a lovely day. My preparations for my lecture in August are starting to come together. My aim is to have 3 ground work sessions {single lunge, lunge with two reins and an in-hand} and then two ridden. The guinea pigs have been lined up and am working on the format of the progression, from the single lunge, to the two reins, to the in-hand and then this continuation under saddle. The theme is to show how soft and light, how responsive and mobile any horse can be. By popular request I have added a new Schooling Plan to the articles section. This one is for the Novice level horse to improve the canter by improving the lateral suppleness. I hope it helps! 6th May: This year, like last, is flying past. I cannot believe we are into May already!! I am now taking bookings for the second half of this year and have updated the Clinic page with those already slotted in. RosieB has been having some down time after slightly tweaking herself in the field but she has been amazing. She has taken everything in her stride and then starts turnout again and pulls a shoe off! Thanks to Neil that is now back on and sorted and so onwards and upwards from here. March 201425th March: This year is flying past as last year did. I have already done the first of my twice yearly clinics in Ireland and both days were full with lots of super sessions, pleased riders and happy horses. There was one slight issue in that I will have to do some further polo training as half of the horses were not receptive to my after session treat!!! Thanks heaps to Kate for the organisation and hospitality and to David for the use of the indoor school. Next date is in September; actual weekend to be confirmed. I have now upgraded my phone and can now take video clips!! I know most folk have been able to do this for a while but I have now got the easy way of video clients then and there if they so wish for them to watch back later. The first 'victim' was Suzanne with her lovely horse 'Banner', and they have come a long way: I do believe Gill gets a little stage fright when I announce a videoing day but now with the phone she does not know when I am taking any video and so I got an update for you on her progress with RosieB: I am starting to take clinic bookings in for the second half of this year and will keep the clinic page updated as often as needed. February 201428th February: Already through February!! This year is going even quicker than last year. I have been working with a really sweet horse called Negrito. He is a part bred, 15.2 dark bay 8 year old. I have been working him in-hand and he has been producing some super work. I have working him through the lateral work, the Spanish Walk and he is now developing the Spanish Trot. The work is not the finished product yet but I have made a video of the work so far. To see the video click here: Negrito January 201431st January: Gill is cracking on with RosieB. The looseness through her body is fab and the power in the engine is wonderful. I was approached by Horse and Hound recently regarding an article they wanted to run re canter. I did not think they would run it but low and behold in yesterdays issue on page 58 is the article. I am standing up for correct gaits, purity of the stride and footfall and it makes an interesting read. A lot of photos showing 4 beat canters and lateral pairs. I do not believe this is correct and more to the point this is not correct according to the FEI rules. So either the judges are not judging according to these rules as these horses are getting top marks or the rules need to be changed accordingly. 17th January: I am really pleased to announce a date for a lecture demo this summer. Bury Farm will be having their 2 day unaffiliated Dressage Champs in August and I have been asked to put on the Saturday evenings demo! I will be doing an in-hand and ridden lecture demo on Sat 16th August at Bury Farm in the evening which will also include the Bury Farm Dressage to Music Champs final. We took a video today of Rosieb trotting through the 'water feature' on Bury Farms outdoor school. A bit of fun but who needs trotting poles!!! Watch the video here. Here is also the link to RosieB's last in-hand video: In-Hand video update 2nd January: I would like to wish everyone a very happy New Year and I hope that 2014 brings everyone and their horses many enjoyable rides! Gill has given me an update to RosieB's blog which is now on line. We have also done a new video update of RosieB working in hand which can be found through RosieB's Blog page. |
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Contact Information:
Step Into Dressage![]() |