
Welcome to the Step Into Dressage website. The site will give you a feeling for my work and my ethos as well as giving some useful on line information.

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(last update: 3rd September 2024; pages updated: News, Clinics)

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The word dressage means "to train" and so it applies to every horse no matter what breed or type.

The training is the process of taking any horse, restoring under saddle the movement he had naturally without the rider on board and then through a systematic structure of gymnastic work enhance that natural beauty to the best of the horses conformation and mentality.

To that end any horse can be improved. This does not mean every horse will perform Grand Prix or High School but improvement is possible for both horse and rider.

Although I aim to give simple, easy to understand advice through this site please feel free to contact me with any questions that I can help you with.

Contact Information:

  • Mobile (cell) Phone: (+44) 07774 688880

  • E-mail: simon@stepintodressage.com

Step Into Dressage

| Contact Simon | ©2005 Simon Battram | Website designed by Simon Battram